Why are we so proud of poverty?
Hi friends, in this weeks article I would like to write on our ideas, thoughts, feelings and especially our attachment to poverty-like situations. And why do we find a sense of happiness and pride due to past and even current poverty situations?
Okay so perhaps the word poverty is too harsh. And what I mean to say is, why are we so proud of the lack in our lives? But I use the term poverty, because it is an extreme form of lack, like for example poverty is like ‘an abundance of lack’. And when we feed so much of energy into the lack in our lives, it grows, and can unfortunately grow so big to become poverty-like.
Ever thought of the kind of life you are attracting every time you feel proud to speak of your past financial struggles? Or smirk with pride to say that you ‘made it’ in life because you have succeed now, even though you didn’t have this or that in the past?
I know the feeling, I used to be like that. I used to feel a sense of pride to say that university days and working life in my earlier 20’s were a struggle. But then I realised, I felt proud to have experienced financial lack, and felt that people who sailed through with a surplus of finance were just annoying and didn’t know the meaning of hard times… Well I was wrong, very wrong. Whether or not so called ‘rich people’ know the meaning of a struggle or not, is none of my business. But what is my business is the signals and energy I am giving out to the universe in terms of what I want, and think is right for me. And believe it or not, but no matter how hard I worked at proving my worth, no matter how many hours I spent improving my skills, I could just not attract financial gain in any way. Ever.
Then I realised the message I am giving out to the universe regarding finance was only attracting more lack! I felt proud of lack, I felt proud to say to people, life is difficult or that I don’t have the money to do this or that. Whatever it was, I felt proud of it. And the universe carried on giving me more of everything I felt proud of!!! It’s like saying, “Hey you are comfortable with lack right? Here you go, experience more of it!” Side note: I was still taken care of, just not by the means of me attracting money to myself…
This realisation changed my life and the feelings I had towards lack completely. Now I focus only on gratitude and abundance. If I want something and don’t have it, then it is fine. I don’t pine over it or feel upset for not having it. I simply say, “Well if it is beneficial for me to have and God knows it, He will send it in some way.” I let the thought of ‘needing’ it, go away. And if it is beneficial for me in whichever way, it comes. Because I have changed my feelings from pride of lack, to gratitude for all I have and for gratitude in knowing that all I need will be provided as required.
I hope this article makes a positive difference in changing the thoughts and feelings of pride for poverty, to gratitude and faith.
Until next time
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