To hold on or to Let Go?
As humans we become so comfortable in our daily routines that when the universe yanks our chains and CHANGE happens – it is much more than most of us can handle. Is change really that bad? We have become so accustom to current situations in our lives that when something new happens we generally feel that our whole world is crumbling before us. It is the inertia within us that resists change and makes us feel that we should continue doing the same things we always have been doing – this is our comfort zone. As we continue in this routine we become stagnant and perhaps we start to forget about our real dreams. Stagnant energy is sticky, holding us back from accomplishing our dreams whereas flowing energy gives us the freedom to reach for the stars, achieve our dreams and enjoy the fruits of achievement without attachment.
Consequently, when too much of stagnation happens in our lives we cannot grow or evolve any further. We forgot that we are spiritual Beings having a human experience and we become bogged down and attached to the experience itself. Then the Universe sends a helping friend in the form of a butt kick. That butt kick is CHANGE! So how should we react to change? Do we sit back feeling sorry for ourselves or do we let go of past routines and embrace a new current situation where possibilities are endless? The answer is truly up to you.
Many may feel, “but why do I need change? I am comfortable in my routine – I think I am happy.” But tell me honestly are you truly happy? Is each breathe of your life just there to get you through another day? Is each breathe you take only to make a living, providing for your family? Is that truly living? What are we doing?? Don’t we deserve better, don’t we deserve to live a life in abundance where happiness and sadness are not determined by outside factors? Where our lifestyle is not determined by a dictated income scale? In conjunction to fulfilling responsibilities can we not also find time for ourselves and do the things we truly love?
Most successful people have experienced change which literally brought them to their knees and in that adverse situation they made the choice to stand up and use the difficult situation to CREATE something great, to realise their true worth, true potential and achieve their purpose which inspired the world and made them successful.
Let us embrace change by firstly letting go of our fears of change, secondly by letting go of everything which confines us into a box, thirdly letting go of everything which makes us forget our dreams and finally having faith that there is a higher Greater Power looking after us and Who will never let us fall or fail. With an attitude of abundance, feeling the excitement of success and having gratitude to the Higher Source of existence – absolutely anything becomes possible. We have the ability to create our lives exactly the way we want it to be if we truly 100% believe that we can…
So…. GO NOW & Paint your Dreams into a Reality 😊
Lots of love
Sholane Surjoo
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