Fruit for the spirit
I love fruit. And veggies of course… Well I am a vegetarian so duh I would right… A few months ago I had actively added a range of fruits, nuts and oh so tasty seeds to my morning diet. My daily routine was waking up early, eating a fresh bowl of fruit, nuts and seeds, then go for my morning walk/run and return to continue my day. This lasted a few weeks until laziness got the better of me and winter (in the Southern Hemisphere) set in…
Recently I have been feeling really tired and weak. Carrying out general every day chores started becoming tiresome and I wasn’t getting up as early as I used to. So, I decided to do something that will give my body the energy and vitality it yearned for again. After just one bowl of cut fruit with a generous sprinkle of chia seeds, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, I felt so full of energy, I was able to do 5 times more what I could do, without getting tired, than usual. And this is without actually changing, or shall I say, subtracting anything from my diet. Just adding fruit has changed the energy flow in my body and it feels great!
Eastern masters, saints and spiritual people have always encouraged fruit to the daily diet and with the wonderful new energy within my body, I can understand that their recommendations weren’t just for a quick meal or something that is easy on the body. But also for the actual benefit of the body, to revitalize the body, provide the energy we need and positive outlook on life by having the pulses of energy to carry on with our every day life.
What are your favourite energy boosting meals?
Hope you enjoyed this read which is different, more laid back and shorter than usual, but I really wanted to share this with you!
Have a super week and happy fruit munching!
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